Antoni Olbrychski – Competitive Longsword Fencing


15. April 2023    
9:00 - 17:00


Buchungen geschlossen


101. OS Dresden - Turnhalle
Pfotenhauerstraße 42, Dresden, Sachsen, 01307
Karte nicht verfügbar

Antoni Olbrychski – historian and fencing instructor. Multi-medalist of HEMA competitions (Swordfish, European Games, Polish Championships and many others). Highiest-ranked Polish fencer in Hema Ratings. Mainly focused on longsword in the Italian tradition, as well as the Polish saber. Instructor at Akademia Szermierzy in Warsaw.

During the seminar we will focus on competitive longsword fencing. Participants will get to know the tactical wheel and different ways to solve common and unusual situations during the fight. We will also talk about attributes, which fencer should develop, and how historical approach can help us during competitions.
Workshops will include technical exercises and task sparrings.


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